About the Artist

Artist Statement

I state that science and art can melt together in a human brain. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, studied, did research and taught plant science at several universities in Venezuela before receiving my Ph.D. degree in Plant Pathology 1994 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My background was strictly scientific until 1998 that I decided to take my first steps as an artist while I was living in the Venezuelan Andes. Inspired by the beautiful background of the Andes, I taught myself the painting technique that I use today. I continue doing scientific research and I enjoy producing art pieces in different media for me art is present in everything and everywhere as a dance where shapes, colors, sounds, scents and creatures interact in harmony creating undetectable waves to infest our brain with pleasant feelings.

After experimenting with different media, I settled upon acrylics on canvas painting large flowers using bold strokes and vibrant colors. Many people consider my paintings similar to Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings; however, I was not familiar with her work when I started painting. Today, O’Keeffe, along with many great masters including the artist Diego Rivera, serves as an inspiration. My installations as well my sculptures are mixed media.

Many of my art pieces are influenced by my background in Biology, love for nature and spiritual beliefs. Some paintings resemble images that I have seen under the microscope during my studies of fungal taxonomic.

In ten years as an artist, I have accomplished: seven solo art exhibitions (two in Tennessee, three in Indiana, one in Michigan, and one in California) and 13 collective art shows. I have received two awards and my paintings have been selected in seven art juried competitions.

francico avila Hometown: Caracas-Venezuela

Hometown: Caracas-Venezuela

 Testimonials from some of our Clients




 «Hung my picture in my to be office. Look great Francisco.  Thank you»

  Ronda Bryant

  «Para mí tu eres de esas personas que se proponen y lo logran, sabes que he admirado tu resolución, además la inteligencia se pone al servicio de lo bello y lo útil nunca nos abandona… keep going!!! «

Martha Davila


«Look at the beautiful painting I got at the Round Barn Winery Art Show»

Holly Vermon 



«Thank you Franscisco Avila for my two originals! Tks I love them both»

Ronda Bryant


Artist Francisco Avila - Blog


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